The weather is again predicted to reach 90 degrees tomorrow. If you like, please have your children wear their gym uniforms. The mesh shorts and t-shirts seem to be a bit cooler than the regular school uniform. Last week, I was actually greeted by cheers when I brought fans to the classrooms. The fans do help circulation.
Our second graders will be attending mass at 9:00am tomorrow morning in their First Communion outfits. When they return to school, they will change into their gym uniforms as well.
By clicking here, you can read the letter from the NJ Bishops that addresses the re-opening of the churches. There is also a letter from the Superintendent of Schools from the Diocese of Trenton. He speaks about his expectations for the re-opening of school next year. Click here to read that letter.
I know that the Governor is speaking about relaxed mask wearing and restaurants serving a larger number of patrons. Please understand that at school, masks are required by all whether they are vaccinated or not. We have come so far, and I ask for your continued cooperation as we finish out the year.
Please know that we are planning some fun activities for the children. We will let you know the schedule as the time nears.
I would like to commend Mr. Lorring and his 4th grade classes for the news broadcasts that they have produced. They are entitled “4A and 4B News Network” and the students worked together in each class to produce a “live” news show. This certainly takes the use of technology to a new level.
Thank you for contributing the toiletry items to “Loaves and Fishes.” The 8th graders had to make several trips to Mrs. Schwimmer’s car to fill it with deodorant, toothpaste, and toothbrushes. I thank you again for your generosity!
Finally, I would like to let you know that Father Miguel’s brother, Duverney Valle, passed away in Colombia, this past weekend. Fr. Miguel was fortunate to travel home to see his brother a few weeks ago. Please keep them in your prayers.