We are in our final weeks of school! I prefer to count by weeks – a little shy of six. Others prefer to count days – 25 days of school for Pre-K to 7 and 21 for our 8th graders, but who is counting?! There is still lots of time for learning to occur. Lots of activities have been planned for the next few weeks. We have a May crowning planned for May 17th. It will be live streamed from the church website. There will be a zoom presentation on Art from “Back to Bach.” This will be presented by students from West Windsor H.S. Also, our PTA is presenting a virtual assembly for our students called “Prismatic Magic.”
Prayer cards are coming home today from our PTA. This prayer to the Blessed Mother, whom we celebrate in the Catholic Church throughout the month of May, is the Regina Coeli – which means “Queen of Heaven.” This Thursday, we usually celebrate Ascension Thursday, which is normally a Holy Day of Obligation. According to the Bishop, the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord is transferred from Thursday, May 13, 2021 to Sunday, May 16, 2021, replacing the Seventh Sunday of Easter.
As we finish up these final weeks, if you have the time, we are still in need of volunteers to assist with recess duty – 11:15am-12:45pm; and for temperature takers in the morning 7:30-8:00am. Please contact Mrs. DelleFave at 609-921-7587 x100. Please see the attached flier for Loaves and Fishes.