Dear Families of our K2 students:
Today we learned that a classmate of your child’s started feeling ill on Friday evening, January 22, 2021. The child was PCR tested on Saturday, January 23, 2021 and the COVID 19 test is reported positive today. The virus is considered infectious for 48 hours prior to symptom onset which would include Thursday and Friday, January 21st and 22nd, 2021 when all in-school learners in K2 were in attendance.
In discussion with the Princeton Department of Health today, all K2 students are considered close contacts of a positive person and quarantine is recommended. The quarantine period begins with the last day of exposure to the positive person and continues for 14 days. This includes the dates of January 22nd - February 5, 2021.
We will begin remote learning for all K2 students on Wednesday, January 27th. There will be NO SCHOOL FOR K2 on Tuesday, January 26th to allow the teachers to prepare for remote learning. The children may return to school on Tuesday, February 9th as Monday, February 8th is a Professional Day for our teachers.
Each time correspondence is sent home about a COVID exposure, it creates concern for our families. We recognize families who have chosen in-person learning desire to have their child in school every day. Our intention is to keep the children in school for all days possible. When a disruption must occur, it is a health decision and it is made using the best information available to us for everyone involved.
Should any student or household member of a K2 student become ill with COVID symptoms or a positive COVID test while home in quarantine, please report this to our school nurse, Tish Palumbo, either by email: [email protected] or by phone during the school day: 609-921-3377.
Thank you sincerely for your understanding. Please keep all our families in your prayers. Please reach out to our school nurse with any questions. If you would like a call, please leave your best contact number and she will get back to you.
God Bless,
Kim Clauss